男人 只有 3分鐘



祥災訝? 毋貪歐北來攏~~

英國「每日郵報」(Daily Mail)報導

Basic instinct: Women take just three minutes to make up their mind about Mr Right

女人只要花3分鐘 就能判定這男人是不是她的真命天子

They say you should never judge a book by its cover.
But when it comes to the opposite sex, it seems that's exactly what women do.

人不可貌相 但女人就有這種能耐可以這麼做。

The report which was commissioned among 3,000 adults to mark the release of Instinct,
a new book by Ben Kay.

配合英國作家(Ben Kay)的新書「直覺」(Instinct)

Kay said: 'I think a lot of people believe in trusting their instincts when dating. It makes it seem more magical,
like it's coming from somewhere deeper.

「似乎是魔法 很多人都相信他們在約會時的直覺 像是出自內心深處。」

The average female spends the time sizing up looks, physique and dress-sense as well as taking in scent, accent and eloquence of a potential suitor.

一般的女人會花時間衡量另一半的外表 體格與穿衣品味
以及味道 口音與口才。

Women also quickly judge how he interacts with her friends and whether he is successful or ambitious.


It takes a woman just three minutes to make up her mind about whether she likes a man or not.

女人只要花3分鐘 就能判定這個男人是不是她喜歡的。

'But it's surprising how quickly women make a decision. That's barely enough time to finish a drink together.

不過 這麼快就能做出決定還是很驚人

Researchers found women will quickly dismiss a man who they feel is 'too cocky' or 'too needy'.

同時 男人若讓女人覺得 "自以為是" 或 "太貧乏"

He will also be rejected if he isn't nice to people, doesn't appear to earn enough and if he has nothing in common
with the woman.

如果對別人不好 沒有展現出有賺錢能力的樣子
或是與女人沒有共同點 這種男人會被拒絕。

我們這些型男 只有三分鐘命運呀~
~~ 毋貪歐北來攏~~