
Legislature votes to allow ractopamine

立法表決  通過允許萊克多巴胺

The longstanding dispute over the livestock feed additive ractopamine
seemed to have been resolved yesterday as amendments to related laws
cleared the legislature, paving the way for the partial lifting
of restrictions on imports of beef containing residues of the drug.


立法表決通過 解決了相關法律修訂


With a 63-46 vote along party lines,
the nation is expected to adopt maximum residue levels (MRL)
of 10 parts per million (ppm) for ractopamine,
a standard favored by President Ma Ying-jeou 
and the Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT).

憑仗黨的路線 63-46表決通過

預計將採用萊克多巴胺最大殘留限量MRL)10 ppm

依照馬英九總統國民黨 標準

  •   八仙果 於 2012-07-28 15:49 1F
  • 唉~!