辦公室 の 愛神


When Cupid Strikes at the Cubicle

愛神 “丘比特” 撞入 辦公室 !!!

你在辦公室 談情说愛嗎?

希望本節 對你有所幫助!

[ translated from the Career Coach ]

Q. Are you interested in dating someone you work with? You can’t help thinking that had you met this person outside of work, you might not have been as attracted. Why is that?


你不禁想 假若你在辦公室外 遇到這個人,您們可能互相吸引?


A. That’s because working together can itself be a kind of aphrodisiac. Workplace romances are exciting because they usually start in secrecy. In a phenomenon known as the “mere exposure effect,” people who see each other continuously tend to like each other more.


這種現象 被稱為 “暴露效應” - 我們看人是愈看愈順眼。

[黃髮 20%男性 13%女性 在辦公室做愛]

Q. You really think this could be the one, but you aren’t sure if dating a co-worker is even allowed at your company. If it is, what’s the proper way to proceed?


但你不知道 您的公司是否允許同事與同事約會?

A. Over the last several decades, companies have become more flexible about workplace romances. People spend so much time at the office that co-worker romances are almost inevitable, and company policies now rarely prohibit them.


人們花那麼多時間在辦公室, 同事戀情幾乎是不可避免的,

What’s the proper way to proceed? You should check your employee handbook.

如何適當呢? 你應該查查你的員工手冊.

Q. What if you are interested in dating someone who works for you?


A. Even if there is no policy against it, a supervisor and a subordinate should never date.


As a manager, you have to review the person’s performance, provide feedback and make decisions on promotions, and that could be hard to do obXXXXXjectively.

為一名經理,你必須審閱下屬的表現,提供反饋,並作出升遷決定, 如果和下屬約會, 這可能很難做到客觀的態度

Q. What challenges you could face in having a romantic relationship at work?

問:在工作 愛, 你將面臨哪些挑戰?

A. One big issue is how to separate your personal relationship and your professional relationship.


Displays of affection or arguing at the office make co-workers uncomfortable — and are unprofessional. So both of you must be aware of how your behavior is affecting others.

在辦公室 感情的爭論使得同事不舒服 - 而且不專業。


Q. If you do break up — even if it’s hard to imagine now — how can you comfortably interact with this person later?

問:如果你們拆散分手了 - 這是很難想像 - 你將如何這個人在工作上互動?

A. Discuss how to move forward as friends and colleagues now that you aren’t seeing each other anymore.

答:如果你和同事關係己結束, 那么應該討論何在工作上向前推進。

Make it clear that you don’t want the end of the relationship to have a negative effect on either of your careers,”

Never gossip or badmouth your ex to colleagues. Doing so will only reflect poorly on you and make working together difficult.

“要弄清楚,不要因為你和同事結束關係 而對你的職業生涯帶來負面影響”。


"親愛的! 記得? 告訴在辦公室有一個美好的一天?"