
20 奔騰
30 日立
40 正大
50 微軟
60 松下
70 聯想

怎么 微軟 还如此生猛???

The year’s most buzz-worthy tech company might be Microsoft.

今年最時髦的高科技公司 还可能是微軟

Microsoft went around with a big, fat target on its forehead for a couple of decades.

微軟 貼著它的商標 又帶著大發利市的目標 所向披靡已有二十年了

It was the tech giant we loved to hate. The company deserved the scorn; in the 1990s it crushed Apple (AAPL), Netscape and Palm (PALM), and still found time to push around a few hapless PC makers who seemed to barely make a buck anyway.

這高科技巨人 我們是又喜又恨 該公司蔑視其他同業 是當之無愧的
在20世紀90年代 它鎮住了蘋果電腦(AAPL)Netscape 網景 和 Palm
而且仍可抽出時間 來欺壓那些倒霉的 那些幾乎賺不到幾文錢的 PC廠商.