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Ten Great Good Luck Symbols


1. Statue of Juliet Verona, Italy
朱麗葉雕像 維羅納 意大利

Visitors to the heroine's statue rub her right breast in the quest for good luck.

遊客到女主角朱麗葉的雕像 摩摩在她的右乳追求好運

2. Van Mieu (Temple of Literature); Hanoi, Vietnam
Van Mieu文廟 河內 越南

Students with pending exams come here to touch the heads of the
courtyard's 82 tortoises for luck. The pupils in this area must have extraordinarily high grade point
averages as the stone heads of the tortoises have become virtually soft from the repeated touching.

從這些已成為幾乎平滑的 可以看出這裡學生們一定取得非常高的成績

3. St. John of Nepomuk Statue; Prague, Czech Republic
約翰Nepomuk 雕像 布拉格 捷克

The rules for this one are a little complicated. walk a few steps toward Old Town and
find the cross with five stars on the left parapet of the bridge.
Touch each of the five stars with a finger and rest your left palm on the cross and make your wish!

對著舊城區走幾步 找到交叉路口的一橋樑 左護欄有五個星
用手指接觸五個星星 左手掌放在十字架上 許你的心願!

4. Rock of Luck; Kusu Island, Singapore
好運岩 玖珠島 新加坡

Visitors to this oddly shaped, bright yellow monument will notice a plethora of four-digit numbers
written all over its surface. These are picked numbers.

在這形狀奇特鮮黃色的紀念碑 你會發現許多四位數字 這些都是致富的號碼

5. Worther-See-Mandl; Klagenfurt, Austria
Worther-See-Mandl 拉根福 奧地利

Visitors today come to Lake Wrthersee to rub his outstretched
finger for good luck.

來這裡伸出手指揉搓Lake Wrthersee的水將會帶來好運

6. Toritos de Pucara; Cusco, Peru
公牛 普卡拉 庫斯科 秘魯

Somewhat goofy-looking ceramic bulls sit on the roofs of area homes.
People here take their powers of sending good fortune very seriously.

有點滑稽的陶瓷牛 坐在屋頂 這裡的人們認真地相信他們會發送好運

7. Charging Bull; New York City, New York
充電公牛 紐約市 紐約

Iit's said that touching the private parts of this bull will bring good luck.


8. La Chouette; Dijon, France
貓頭鷹 第戎 法國

The town's beloved owl is thought to bring such good luck
It is said to bring luck to those who touch it with their left hand.

該鎮的心愛的貓頭鷹 被認為帶來好的運氣

9. Magellan Statue; Puenta Arenas, Chile
麥哲倫雕像 普恩特阿里納斯 智利

Those who rub the foot will have the luck

據說摩擦雕像腳 一定能帶來好運

10. Grgur Ninski Staute; Split, Croatia
Grgur Ninski Staute 斯普利 特克羅地亞

The statue is thought to bring good luck to those who rub its big toe.

這座雕像的大趾 會