超级巨富 的 遊樂場


Playgrounds of the Ultra-Rich

超级巨富 的遊樂場

[Translated from Forbes]


Where those who pull down 10-figure salaries go for fun

這些可賺10位數薪水的傢伙 他們都去哪裡

(10位數? - 請曲 算1算 多少!)

Bill Gates 的家

Bill Gates

Bill Gates's house is a large mansion in the side of a hill overlooking Lake Washington in Washington. The 66,000 sq ft house is noted for its design and the technology.

比爾蓋茨的家是一個大豪宅 它座在一座小山側 俯瞰華盛頓華盛頓湖。棟 66,000平方英尺的房子以 它的設計和高技而名。

In 2009, property taxes on the home were reported to be US $1 million on a total assessed value of US$147.5 million.

2009年,這豪宅的稅據報導,每年1百萬美元 這豪宅總評估價為 1.475億美元。

Bill Gates 的遊樂園 - 西格陵蘭

Bill Gates - Playground - West Greenland

Bill Gates 的遊樂園 - 西格陵蘭

He's been known to hop in a helicopter to Apussuit Adventure Camp, a remote skiing resort in

West Greenland. This resort has no ski lifts and, more importantly, no other people.

如你所知 他只需跳上直升機 就可到 Apussuit 探險營 -
一個在西格陵蘭偏遠的滑雪勝地. 該滑雪勝地沒有滑雪升降機,更重要的是,沒有其他任何人。

Paul Allen

Paul Allen

Paul Gardner Allen is an American entrepreneur and philanthropist who co-founded Microsoft with Bill Gates and is one of the wealthiest people in the world

Paul Gardner Allen 他是微軟蓋茨的共同創辦人

是美國企業家和慈善家 也是世界上最富有的人之一.

Paul Allen Playground - Octopus 章魚號

Octopus is currently the world's ninth largest superyacht.


Octopus sports two helicopters on the top deck. The yacht also has a pool on board.

章魚在頂部甲板炫耀着兩架直升機. 該遊艇还有一亇游泳池。

This floating five-star hotel features a pool, a basketball court, a movie theater, two helicopters, a 10-person submarine, and a 60-person crew.

這個漂浮的五星級酒店設有游泳池,籃球場,電影院,兩架直升機,一個 10人的潛艇,和一個 60人船員小組。

Oprah playground - Antigua 安提瓜島


Oprah Gail Winfrey is an American television host, producer, and philanthropist. She has been ranked the richest African American of the 20th century and beyond, the greatest black philanthropist in American history, and was once the world's only black billionaire.


Oprah playground - Antigua

Antigua, Spanish for 'Ancient', is at the West Indies, in Caribbean region,

安提瓜島,西班牙文是'古代'之义 在加勒比地區的西印度群島。

when she wants crystal-clear Caribbean water and perfect palm trees, she returns to her playground on Antigua, featured in the beautiful coastline!
