讓老闆生氣的 7句真言


* 小心! 有音樂 出來呵! *
如果你想 使你老闆生氣 一定要記住這 7句真言!


附送: 老闆心理学123: (看圖識字)

[ 標準答案 ]:
1. 您是乳牛 也得! 2. 公文多到 沒得睡! 3. 要找秘書 他請誰?

Everyone has a boss. Even if you "work for yourself," you're still an employee to your client.

每個人都有一個老闆。即使為自己工作 的老還是員。

7 Things Never to Say to Your Boss

7 個永久不可對你老說的句子

1. That's not my job.


You know what? A lot of bosses are simple souls who think your job is to do what's asked of you.

知道?很多老闆頭腦很簡單,認為的工作 他要求你作什么 你就作什么.

2. It's not my problem.


When people say something is not their problem it makes them look like they don't care. This does not endear them to anybody, especially the boss.

當人們不是他的問題時,会使他們看來 他們不關心。 這使人不高興,尤其是的老

3. It's not my fault.


Yet another four words to be avoided. Human nature is weird. Claiming that something is not our fault often has the result of making people suspect it is.


4. I can only do one thing at a time.


Complaining you are overworked will not make your boss feel sorry for you or go easier on you.


5. I am way overqualified for this job.


Hey, maybe you are. But the fact is, this is the job you have.


6. This job is easy! Anyone could do it!


Maybe what you're trying to convey here is that you're so brilliant your work is easy.

也許所想表達的是,是如此的優秀 你的工作容易了。

7. It can't be done.


Saying something can't be done is like waving a red flag in a boss's eyes - saying it is can make you look incapable.

說什麼不能完成的 就像在老的眼到前 揮舞著紅旗 - 說明你無能