英文訓練 - 老虎伍茲1

老虎伍茲在他上次 ...Tiger Woods showed his face publicly for the first time since his Black Friday auto accident. Since then, the golfer has been in seclusion, and even at a sex addiction clinic, while Elin Nordegren Woods has been in the public eye, but sans her wedding ring.

老虎伍茲在他上次黑色星期五車禍後 首次為其事件公開露面表態 自那時後 這個高爾夫頂級球員與世隔離 甚至到性癮診所求診 但他的妻子愛琳努德格伍茲曾出現在公眾場所 祗是她沒帶結婚戒指

Tiger Woods' press conference was shown live all over the media. As such, it upstaged not just the Olympics, but also a PGA tournament sponsored by Accenture. Accenture was previously one of his sponsors, but dumped him after the revelations of his affairs.

老虎伍茲的記者招待會對各地的媒體實況轉播 因此 它不只是搶了冬季奧運會的風頭 也掩蓋了埃森哲主辦的美國PGA錦標賽的新聞 埃森哲以前曾是老虎的贊助商 但自從伍茲醜聞曝光後 他被拋棄了