英語園地 - 老虎伍茲2


老虎承諾 ... In his press conference, Tiger Woods' full transcXXXXXript as below, Woods made the following bullet points:

在他的新聞發布會, 老虎伍茲的全文記錄以下,提出以下要點:

* He apologized to the public

* He will return to golf, but did not give a timeline

* He admitted attending a sex addiction clinic

* He has never taken performance-enhancing drugs

* His wife, Elin, did not strike him during the famous car crash, nor has she ever

* He still wants to reconnect, but his apology to her will come with actions, not words

* He will rely on his Buddhist upbringing going forward


*他將重返球場 但沒有時間表



*他的妻子 琳埃愛琳努德格 在車禍時 並沒有打他 她以前也沒有打過他

*他仍想要和妻子重新修好 並且他的道歉會用行動表達 而不僅僅是言辭說說

*他將依佛 重新人生旅程