看新聞學英語 - 達賴喇嘛 1


奧巴馬總統終於在今年2月 ... After snubbing him during his Washington DC visit last October, President Obama finally met with the Dalai Lama on February 18th this year. Predictably, China's leaders warned of damage to Sino-US relations if the administration went ahead with the meeting (while making the rather bizarre claim that by doing so the U.S. side would be violating international rules).

在他去年10月華盛頓訪問中冷落之後 奧巴馬總統終於在今年218日會見了達賴喇嘛 可預見的 中國領導人警告說 如果美國政府一意孤行的會破壞中美關係(同時相當異乎尋常宣稱 如果這樣 美方將違反國際規則)

But even though the meeting was held in the face of China's obXXXXXjections, the details were a delicately choreographed display of tiptoe diplomacy--no public appearance with the president, the ultra low-key backdrop of the White House map room, and only one official photographer allowed.

即使在面對中國的反對下舉行的次會議 白宮是排的微妙細節 顯示了小心翼翼外交關係 -- 沒有與總統公開露面 超低調白宮地圖室會面 而且只允許一名官方攝影師在場