
London 2012 Olympics: UK stuns with evocative British Olympic opening

2012年 倫敦奧運會 有味道開幕暈眩

From the reigning monarch to the most humble torch bearer,
Britons worked with director Danny Boyle to present a breathtaking Games opener


英國人導演 Danny Boyle 創造出一個激動人心的揭幕戰

James Bond and Queen Elizabeth II making her film-acting debut
teamed up on Friday night to give London a wild Olympic opening like no other.

詹姆斯 邦德 英國女王伊麗莎白二世

週五晚上 電影中 首次亮相


Creative genius Danny Boyle turned the Olympic Stadium into a juke box,
cranking up world-beating rock from The Beatles and the Rolling Stones
to send the planet a message: Britain, loud and proud is ready to roll.

創意天才 Danny Boyle 奧林匹克體育場變成點唱機

啟動舉世無雙的奇想 披頭士,滾石

英國 高聲和自豪世界高歌我們準備好了。
