【投票】黃金眼 鑽石


A large yellow diamond — known as the "Golden Eye"

大型黃鑽 ”黃金眼”

the auction begins Sept. 6 and ends Sept. 8

拍賣此黃鑽 9/6開始 9/8結束

it is believed to be one of the largest internally flawless yellow diamonds




The gem — about an inch long, almost ¾-inch wide and nearly ½-inch deep

這塊寶石- 約一英寸長,¾英寸寬,近半英寸深

After the starting bid of $900,000, bids must increase in increments of $110,000


A refundable deposit of $180,000 is required for viewing the gem

要看這寶石 需交押金18萬美元 (可退還)

this one rare is its color and clarity combined with its large size.

這塊寶石難得的是 它的顏色, 清晰度, 和尺寸

The more yellow it has, the higher the value.

越黃 價值越高!